
Peru President rules out Ministerial Cabinet changes

El presidente de la República, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, tomó juramento a Ana María Choquehuanca y Fiorella Molinelli como nuevas ministras de Estado en las carteras de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables, y de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (Midis), respectivamente. Foto: ANDINA/ Prensa Presidencia

El presidente de la República, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, tomó juramento a Ana María Choquehuanca y Fiorella Molinelli como nuevas ministras de Estado en las carteras de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables, y de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (Midis), respectivamente. Foto: ANDINA/ Prensa Presidencia

12:49 | Lima, Aug. 16.

Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski on Tuesday night ruled out further changes in the composition of the Ministerial Cabinet.

The Head of State commended State Ministers on their efforts, highlighting achievements of some sectors.

In the case of Education Minister Marilu Martens, the statesman praised her for her wonderful job in the wake of the critical juncture, namely the considerable pay raise for teachers despite the tight budget. 

"She [Minister Martens] has managed to carry on with what the prior minister had started: the reform of our education level. This will take five to ten additional years, but we are on the right track," he told local news broadcaster RPP. 

The top official also underscored the great performance of Interior Minister Carlos Basombrio and ruled out a potential change in his portfolio. 

Likewise, the President addressed the recent appointment of Fiorella Molinelli as Development and Social Inclusion Minister, underlining her 18 years' experience in the public sector. 

To conclude, Mr. Kuczynski anticipated a better relationship with the opposition-led Congress during his second year in office and reiterated his commitment to guarantee water, education, health and justice access for all Peruvians. 


Published: 8/16/2017