
President Kuczynski: 'We'll reach Russia tonight'

Jefe de Estado, la presidenta del Consejo de Ministros y el Gabinete, alentaron a la selección peruana de fútbol, desde el Patio de Honor de Palacio de Gobierno. Foto: ANDINA/Prensa Presidencia

Jefe de Estado, la presidenta del Consejo de Ministros y el Gabinete, alentaron a la selección peruana de fútbol, desde el Patio de Honor de Palacio de Gobierno. Foto: ANDINA/Prensa Presidencia

14:46 | Lima, Nov. 15.

Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski is optimistic ahead of Peru-New Zealand decisive match, affirming South Americans will reach Russia 2018 tonight.

Joined by Prime Minister Mercedes Araoz and some cabinet members, the statesman said Peru is moving forward.

"Greetings to all on this sunny day, which is a good sign for the Peruvian squad […] We are optimistic," the leader said after meeting inhabitants of the Valley of the Apurimac, Ene and Mantaro rivers (VRAEM).

"Peru is moving forward. We'll reach Russia tonight. Long live Peru," he added.

The group consisted of Peruvians who stood out for their dedication and loyalty to public service —a commitment that makes them "die-hard fans."

Once at the Government Palace, Mr. Kuczynski invited them to watch the clash from his presidential balcony at Lima's National Stadium. 

Ticket recipients included soldiers, military personnel and civilians stationed in the VRAEM area.


Published: 11/15/2017