
Thousands get ready to join march in protest at violence against women


10:38 | Lima, Aug. 13.

Everything is set for today’s mass demonstration “Ni Una Menos” (Not One Less) aimed at raising Peruvians’ awareness of the urgent need to end femicide and violence against women in all its forms.

Scheduled to take place in the capital city, Lima, at 3 p.m., the march is expected to bring more than 50000 people together. It will be carefully watched by 2500 police officers, who will provide protection as the event proceeds.

The police will deploy a special enforcement unit composed of the Special Services Division, Emergency Division, Basic Police Services Division, Green Squad, Terna Group, among others.

Attendees were urged not to bring things of value, as opportunistic thieves may be targeting the event. They were also asked to keep kids safe with identification tags or bracelets to find them easily in case they get lost. 

The police also encouraged to report any emergency situation or crime like robbery or indecent assault.

The rallying point will be Campo de Marte park, and then participants will head toward Jorge Chavez roundabout, and will continue along Guzman Blanco, 9 de Diciembre and Garcilaso de la Vega Avenues toward Grau roundabout before heading to Paseo de los Heroes Navales right in front of the Justice Palace.


Published: 8/13/2016