
President Kuczynski monitors household gas connection in Lima

El presidente Pedro Pablo Kuczynski participa en la conexión del servicio de gas domiciliario de la usuaria número 50,000 de BonoGas,en el asentamiento humano Enrique Milla Ochoa, en el distrito de Los Olivos. Foto: ANDINA/Prensa Presidencia

11:13 | Lima, May. 12.

Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski supervised household gas service connection under Bonogas program, a state-run mechanism aimed at low-income nationals.

Bonogas provides fully-financed connections to disadvantaged families, so they can enjoy natural gas service at its full capacity.

The activity took place in Enrique Milla Ochoa human settlement, in Los Olivos district of the Peruvian capital, Lima.

The 78-year-old top official visited the house of Bonogas 50000th user Antonia Cuadros Sanchez, where he made sure the service was running properly.

During his visit, he was joined by Energy and Mines Minister Gonzalo Tamayo.


Published: 5/12/2017