
Peru's Labor Ministry and the EU shared experiences to ensure decent work

Las mype fabrican prendas de uso militar que serán adquiridas por el Ministerio de Defensa.

Las mype fabrican prendas de uso militar que serán adquiridas por el Ministerio de Defensa.

12:41 | Bogota (Colombia), Jun. 22.

Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion officials participated in the Sub-Committee on Trade and Sustainable Development meeting, held in Bogota (Colombia).

It aims at monitoring the trade agreement between the European Union Member States, Colombia and Peru.

Delegations shared experiences required to ensure decent work and the implementation of sustainable policies.

During the session, progress achieved in the fields related to fundamental labor rights and environmental matters were addressed.

The Peruvian delegation presented the good practice awards aimed at recognizing “good actions” carried out by enterprises. Similarly, it seeks to boost the sustainability of their good deeds.

This delegation also highlighted the activities related to employment policies, which emphasize green jobs, rural and youth employment.

Likewise, it boosts policies related to prevention and handling of work conflicts and eradication of child employment and forced labor, as well.

The European Union also presented the mechanisms designed to review, manage and assess the impact of trade agreements on environmental and labor affairs.

The Peruvian delegation was composed of representatives of Ministries of Labor and Employment Promotion; Foreign Trade and Tourism; and Environment.


Published: 6/22/2015