Peru PM: Coordination with Congress to improve ties in Kuczynski's second year

LIMA-PERÚ, JULIO 31. Rueda de prensa del Premier Fernando Zavala con el presidente del Congreso Luis Galarreta, luego de la reunión privada que sostuvieron en la sede del Legislativo.Foto: ANDINA/Luis Iparraguirre

10:55 | Lima, Aug. 1.

Rapprochement and coordination between Peru's Executive and Legislative branches will contribute to a better relation during President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski's second year in office, Prime Minister Fernando Zavala affirmed Monday.

In statements after a meeting with recently-elected Congress Chairman Luis Galarreta, the Cabinet Chief said the dialogue covered legislative agenda topics. 

"We have discussed priorities for the coming year which have to do with economic reactivation, social issues and topics addressed by Congress," the government official informed.

"It was a highly productive meeting that hints at a second year that will be a lot better than the first concerning this [Executive-Legislative] relation, which is so important for everybody," Zavala underlined. 

In this sense, he explained both government branches are seeking to establish joint work mechanisms as the second year in office begins. 

"We agreed that we can move forward faster for the benefit of Peruvian citizens by working hand in hand," he concluded.

On the other hand, Congress head Luis Galarreta added the meeting dealt with outstanding projects to be addressed by corresponding commissions. 

"The relevance of this dialogue lies in the fact that we have started a work formula of ongoing coordination, as should be the case between two [government] powers […]," Galarreta pointed out. 


Published: 8/1/2017