
Peru: Over 20000 ha of coca crops eradicated so far this year

erradicación de la coca

erradicación de la coca

08:49 | Lima, Sep. 23.

The special project of Control and Reduction of Coca Crops in Alto Huallaga (CORAH) has eradicated 20,263 hectares of coca crops in the current year thereby dealing a hard blow to drug trafficking in the country, Interior Ministry (Mininter) reported.

Anti-drug units conducted operations in at least 12 districts and provinces across Huanuco, Loreto, Pasco, Ucayali and Puno regions, preventing production of up to 118 tons of coca leaves.

Undertaken under CORAH project, interventions enabled the destruction of nearly 8,000 coca seedlings, which prevents their illegal cultivation across 528 hectares of land.

Said operations have obstructed the production of over three tons of cocaine. 

According to Mininter, intervened areas include population centers of Pendencia in Tingo Maria (Huanuco), and Orellana in the Loreto district of Sarayacu. 

Other intervention targets were Calleria, Irazola, Padre Abada, Tournavista-Von Humboldt, Campo Verde, Curimana (in Ucayali), Ciudad Constitucion (in Pasco) and, Ayapata, San Gaban and Camanti (in Puno).

The best results were observed in Ciudad Constitucion (Pasco), where more than 7,000 hectares were destroyed, as well as in Irazola and Padre Abad, with the removal of 8,000 hectares of crops.


Published: 9/22/2016