
Peru Gov't to promote construction of 90,000 new homes this year

Construcción de conjunto habitacional en El Agustino. Foto: ANDINA/ Archivo/ Alberto Orbegoso.

17:20 | Lima, Feb. 20.

The Peruvian Government will promote the construction of 90,000 new homes this 2017 through Techo Propio and Mivivienda housing programs, Peru's Housing, Construction and Sanitation Ministry projected.

The Andean country aims at reaching 500,000 new homes by 2021. Likewise, the government has undertaken efforts to assist the neediest sectors, said Minister Edmer Trujillo. 

"We have to reach a part of said goal this year, and we expect the construction of at least 60,000 dwellings thanks to Techo Propio and Mivivienda housing programs," Trujillo stated. 

Techo Propio (Own Roof) is a program addressed to families with low monthly wages, who are interested in buying, constructing or improving their homes.

MiVivienda (My Housing) is aimed at facilitating access to housing credits for families, mainly from low-income sectors.

"Thanks to the technical assistance for self-construction mechanism, which we are currently implementing, we expect to reach an additional 30,000 homes," he added. 

Likewise, the mentioned portfolio, in partnership with the Economy and Finance Ministry, will launch massive housing programs through Techo Propio over the following weeks.

In addition, State-run MiVivienda fund will be relaunched.


Published: 2/20/2017