
Peru believes in growth based on openness, respect for environment (Full story)

El presidente de la República, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, participa en el Foro Económico Internacional de América Latina y el Caribe en París. Foto: ANDINA/ Prensa Presidencia

El presidente de la República, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, participa en el Foro Económico Internacional de América Latina y el Caribe en París. Foto: ANDINA/ Prensa Presidencia

06:38 | Paris (France), Jun. 9.

Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski participated in the 9th International Economic Forum on Latin America and the Caribbean in Paris, saying the Inca nation believes in economic growth based on openness and respect for the environment.

The Head of State warned against discordant voices of climate change skeptics while calling for extreme caution.

He gave the example of Peru glaciers' melting over the past 50 years, which might lead to a water crisis across the country.

"Then we have no alternative but to support environmentally responsible economic policies," he stated.

Peru's top official underscored the importance of preventing parliament spending initiatives, due to the social responsibility governments should have.

"We need [economic] growth to do so," otherwise "Latin America will not experience social redistribution, nor a change in the labor market to create jobs for the youth."

Moreover, President Kuczynski noted the positive impact of the pension reform introduced in 2005, which enabled Peru to obtain an investment grade rating for the past years.

"The costs of State pension reforms for the future range between 35% to 40% of GDP, and they are a must because people age and those reforms might not be introduced on time," he stated.

He went on to say Latin America requires a technological change in education. In this sense, he said a technology innovation-oriented revolution is what the region needs.


Published: 6/9/2017