
Agrobanco launches new project to boost sustainable agriculture in Peru

FONCODES Foncodes Riego Campesinos Provincias Cultivo Agricultura Siembra Cosecha familias Desarrollo Social

FONCODES Foncodes Riego Campesinos Provincias Cultivo Agricultura Siembra Cosecha familias Desarrollo Social

14:38 | Lima, Jun. 27.

Peru's State-run agricultural bank (Agrobanco) has launched Banco Verde (Green Bank), a project to promote sustainable agriculture in the Andean country.

The initiative reaffirms the bank's commitment to small- and medium-scale agro-producers.

This way, Agrobanco re-engages with both, producers and the environment.

The launch was set to occur today 10:30 AM at Voces por el Clima (Voices for the Climate) park in Lima's Surco district.

As is known, the Rural Agrarian Productive Development Program (Agro Rural) will have directly benefitted 248,000 families residing in High-Andean rural areas between August 2016 and June 2017.


Published: 6/27/2017