
80% of Peruvians to rely on internet access through Backbone Network

Operarios de Telefónica instalan antenas retransmisoras de banda ancha. Foto: ANDINA/Difusión.

Operarios de Telefónica instalan antenas retransmisoras de banda ancha. Foto: ANDINA/Difusión.

13:21 | Lima, May. 25.

Thanks to an investment worth over US$323 million, the National Optical Fiber Backbone Network (RDNFO) project will spread 13,000 kilometers of fiber to connect Lima with 180 provinces.

It will contribute to improving connectivity by 80% nationwide, Optical Networks Business Manager Victor Jauregui announced.

In Latin America, Peru currently holds the 34th position in the connectivity ranking.

Nonetheless, the RDNFO project and corresponding penetration into provinces will allow the nation to reach the 24th position in the following years, he added.

Remote areas

In Peru, connectivity problems are usually linked to the country's geography and demography.

In this sense, State participation in the Backbone Network is "essential" to reach areas at heights above 4,000 meters, as well as over 60 towns hosting less than 200 citizens.

"The education sector will benefit the most from this project, since students will be trained on how to use Internet and access valuable contents […]. The information, previously centralized in Lima, is going to be spread through quality services at more affordable prices," he specified.

It must be noted the RDFO —constituted by three optical fiber rings and installed in Peru’s northern, central and southern areas— aims to interconnect 180 province's capitals, much faster and at regulated tariffs.


Published: 5/25/2016