
Priestess discovery details into a book

Tumba de la sacerdotisa de Chornancap (Lambayeque).

Tumba de la sacerdotisa de Chornancap (Lambayeque).

11:02 | Lima, Dec. 26.

A book on the discovery of Chornancap Priestess will come out in the first quarter of 2015 with scientific information resulting from research into the tomb of this elite woman, who ruled the coastal region of northern Peru approximately 1200 years ago.

According to Carlos Wester La Torre, director of the Brüning National Archaeological Museum –where the pre-Inca leader is currently displayed– the draft version of the book is complete, so it is time to improve the structure of the text and incorporate the pictures. 

“We expect to obtain financing for high-end print early next year, because the text is actually finished,” he pointed out.

Her added: “About a thousand copies will be available in Spanish.”

The publication will be about the unusual stacked grave holding the said priestess and other bodies on the bottom floor. 

The book will also focus on the importance of such a Lambayeque elite and her role in the northern coast.

The 25- to 30-year-old woman was buried at Chotuna-Chornancap, adorned with elaborate jewels, ceramic offerings, and gold and silver ritual objects proclaiming her elite status.   

A team from Brüning National Archaeological Museum discovered the priestess’s burial in the small palace complex of Chotuna-Chornancap in 2012.


Published: 12/26/2014