
Peru President: We must move faster to reduce poverty to 15%

El Presidente Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, la presidenta del Consejo de Ministros, Mercedes Aráoz y la ministra Desarrollo e Inclusión Social, Fiorella Molinelli, inauguran La VI Semana de la Inclusión Social denominada “Voces que se escuchan y compromisos que se respetan”. Foto: ANDINA/Prensa Presidencia

13:04 | Lima, Oct. 17.

President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski on Tuesday affirmed that progress should be made more quickly to meet the goal of reducing Peru's poverty rate to 15% by its bicentennial year (2021).

As is known, said rate currently stands at 21%.

During the opening ceremony of the 6th Social Inclusion Week, the Head of State said that speeding up economic growth and social progress constitutes a "key aspect" not only in the fight against poverty, but also towards the Inca country's success.

The President stated that —although the highest poverty figures have been registered in High-Andean and Amazon zones— misery is also seen in the country's urban areas, where efforts to counter that issue are also needed.

"For a country to succeed, among other aspects, two complementary things are required: On the one hand, [it needs] economic, as well as social growth, and social progress on the other," Mr. Kuczynski highlighted.

"If there is no social progress, there is no [domestic] market, and the economy comes to a halt," he added.

Likewise, the Statesman pointed out that projects implementation in small cities and districts does rather involve joint efforts undertaken by enthusiastic volunteers.

"If we create a scheme that generates a lot of enthusiasm and attracts more young participants, perhaps we might start to change things around. I'm not talking about large projects, but about small ones," he declared.

Peru's top official also mentioned the importance of providing drinking water services to people residing in the highlands and rainforest. 

At the event, Mr. Kuczynski was joined by Prime Minister Mercedes Araoz, as well as Development and Social Inclusion Minister Fiorella Molinelli.


Published: 10/17/2017