
Peru calls for re-establishment of democracy in Venezuela

El canciller Ricardo Luna propuso a la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) que el combate a la corrupción sea un tema central de la Cumbre de las Américas a celebrarse en Lima el próximo año.Foto: ANDINA/OEA

19:19 | Cancun (Mexico), Jun. 20.

Peru's Foreign Affairs Minister Ricardo Luna on Tuesday demanded the re-establishment of democratic order in Venezuela during the 47th Regular Session of the Organization of American States' (OAS) General Assembly.

While addressing the multilateral institution, the government official expressed Peru's conviction that the deterioration of the Bolivarian nation's democratic regime must be stopped

Minister Luna said the Venezuelan Government ought to abandon plans to convene a national constituent assembly "that would create a parallel constitutional power, as well as a critical —and most likely irreversible— situation."

In this sense, he underscored the defense and promotion of democracy are still a main concern for OAS. 

The Foreign Affairs official stressed Venezuela's crisis "demands an urgent agreement by all Venezuelan actors to re-establish democracy, releasing political prisoners right away, ceasing arbitrary detentions and ending violence."

In this respect, Luna reiterated Peru's support to Venezuelan people's demand for an election schedule and the pressing need to address the country's dramatic humanitarian crisis. 

Lastly, the minister noted threats to democracy involve not only breaches of the constitutional order, but also corruption crimes that hinder countries' democratic institutional character and social legitimacy.

Thus, Peru has decided on "Democratic Governance against Corruption" as the theme for the 2018 Summit of the Americas, to be hosted in Lima in April 2018.


Published: 6/20/2017